Sunday, December 22, 2013

5: The Bulge.

Sarah always had a problem with herself: she could never grasp reality in her palms. She was really different than she had expected she'd be like. 10 years ago, if you would have asked her what she would be at 19, she would have said:
"A movie star! I'd be on every TV screen and in every theater."

Well, her nine-year old self had it all wrong. Instead of being the center of attention, she was gorging herself in food of all kinds. And for her job? She was far from a movie star. She was a waitress at a greasy-spoon diner. Just like an animal lover who became a veterinarian, or a person who liked assisting people became a nurse, she was around the thing she loved. Food.

The diner was called "Joe's Diner." What a generic name for a diner. Joe was always very furious at the workers, no matter what they did. Good or not, he was angry. At least he found a way to be angry at everything. He especially hated Sarah for some unknown reason.

It was a normal day in the diner, a day before Christmas. It was snowing outside and very chilly inside. Two strangers rose out from behind the fog of Christmas Eve. They were both male, one dressed in a long black coat and the other in a normal T-Shirt. They came inside and wiped their feet on the "Welcome" mat.

Joe grumbled.
"Go and serve those men."

As normal, she did what he demanded. She sat them by the door, it wasn't busy. They were the only people in the diner other than the staff themselves. She handed them the cloth lined menus.
"Welcome to Joe's Diner! I'm Sarah and I'll be your server. Can I get you something to drink?"
The men scrambled through the menu for a second. The man in the long black coat smiled.
"I'll have a water, if that's okay, miss."
The other man glanced at her.
"Me too."

She returned no longer than a minute later with drinks. They sipped on their drinks while Joe called a meeting a table or two across from the men.

"I, uh..." he paused, "I felt that you guys needed a reward for all the good work you've done this year. And well... I'm giving you a Christmas Bonus."
He passed out checks, all creditable for $1000. She thought about all the things she could buy with that check.

Clothes! Video games! A vacation! Food...

She snapped back into reality.
"Well... Yeah. Merry Christmas." Joe shouted.

She finished serving the guys at the table and Joe closed up. It wasn't busy due to the snowstorm that was shutting down all the highways in the Mid-West. Her car slid and her engine sputtered while driving home in the storm. It was nerve racking.

The door of her parent's house creeked open. It was silent inside... Too silent. There was a note taped upon the refrigerator, of course the first place she would look. It said:

Gone shopping.
I will be home ASAP.

Love, Mom.

To her, this was an opportunity to eat whatever she wanted. With no parental advisory, she could gorge herself in whatever she wanted. 

The cupboard door swung open. She looked for something tasty, yet fattening. After a minute of searching, she could not find anything. Nothing tasty, nothing fattening (gee, thanks mom.) She decided to go on a food run down to the gas station down the road.

Inside the Gas Station, there was so much junk food. Twinkies, Little Debbie cakes, hot dogs, candy, even pie. She had $1,000 in her pocket and she was ready to indulge in treats.

When she went to check out. her box contained a box of Twinkies, a 2 liter of Coke, and a tape measure. The cashier chose not to look in her eye, for some unknown reason. He slid the Twinkies across the scanner, then the Coke, and finally the tape measure.
"I can't hear you, I'm sorry."

The cashier hyperventilated. She handed him $12.64 cents, and not a cent more. She brought it all to her room at her house and got things ready. The pillows were sent up in a comfortable setting-up position, a tray for her food, and the things she bought.

Before stuffing, she measured. 26 inches. Pretty skinny. Soon, she laid down in her bed and opened up the box of Twinkies. One by one, she slid the delicious Twinkies into her mouth. She could feel her pants cutting into her stomach after each Twinkie. Her shirt was getting tight too.

She finished scarfing down the box of Twinkies. Her taste buds ached for more. So, she grabbed the bottle of Coke from beside her. She poured it into her dry mouth. It ran down, little at a time. Soon, her shirt rode up on her and the pants were practically a part of her.

As she finished the last sip of Coke, she became proud of herself. She finally started feeling like she was fat. That feeling was a great one.

The slamming of the front door echoed through the house.
"I brought you some food!" her mother shouted up toward her room.
"Uhh... Thanks, mom. I'm good."
"Come down here and eat your food right now!"

Her mother slopped the plate of Fried Chicken in front of her. She tore off a little piece of the bone. It was dry and moist, unlike usual. She popped it into her mouth. That was when her pants gave up on her.


The button flew off her jeans and her mother stared in disgust.

Please give me some recommendations for Part 6! 

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