Sunday, March 9, 2014

7: Breaking Belly

Sarah had become one of those fat-skinny girls. You know, between fat and skinny. She had a belly on her, that's for sure. The belly came from her constant food addiction she developed. Instead of being afraid to step on the scale, she practically tries to brake it. It doesn't matter what challenge it is, she's going to go for it. Whether it be a whole cake or a pie.

Amy was Sarah's sister. She was 16, so about 3 years younger than Sarah. Like a younger Sarah, she was constantly worried about her weight. Amy was kind of isolated from the outside. She sat in her room for long periods of time, talking on her iPhone and iPad. She was the antisocial sister in the household.

But one day, that all changed. It all started with a knock on the door...

Knock, knock.

Sarah walked to the front of her apartment and looked through the hole in the door. The hole was fogged up from the condensation the constant changes in weather brought. Again, there was a knock on the door.
Knock, knock.

Sarah plainly sighed. "Who is it?" she yelled through the door.
"It's Amy."
"Amy?!" Sarah quietly whispered.

She opened the door and in walked her skinny sister. The pulled off her Dugg boots that were covered in the white snow. Sarah sweetly smiled at her.
"Dang," Amy put her hands on Sarah's pot belly, "are you pregnant?!"
Sarah put her hands over Amy's hands.
"Yes... With a food baby." Amy slid her hands out off her stomach, but Sarah kept on rubbing it. Rubbing her belly through her tight shirt.

"Sarah, there's something I need to talk to you about..." Amy calmly said.
"I kind of need a place to stay."
"What happened?"
Amy kind of hesitated.
"... I'm pregnant."
Sarah jumped up.
"I know, mom and dad are angry at me. Is there anyway I can stay here?"

Sarah was about to reject until she thought about one thing: the cravings. Pregnant women had cravings all day. Pickles with ice cream! Peanut butter and noodles! All of that. Sarah wanted to have a stuffing buddy to fatten up along with her. She could imagine it: Sarah's Fat Camp.

Without hesitating, she gave Amy the answer.
Amy jumped up and hugged Sarah.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Sarah hugged her back.
"Amy, are you hungry? Thirsty?"
Amy stood back.
"I am a bit hungry, honestly. Do you have any Nutella and bread?"
Of course she had Nutella.
"Yes I do. I'll be back in a second."

She walked into the kitchen and opened up the cupboards. She pulled out the brand new thing of Nutella and her white bread. She opened up the can of creamy Nutella. Suddenly, she got an idea. A devious, fattening idea: Mixing up chocolate protein powder into the Nutella. The protein powder was fattening and made for going to the gym. The more fat you had, the more energy you had. The only thing was Amy and Sarah didn't exercise. So, it would just fatten them up.

Sarah opened up the pack of protein powder and sneaked it in the Nutella. Spoonful by spoonful, she poured it into there. She quickly sneaked the powder back into her medicine cabinet. She spread the drugged Nutella onto the bread.

She handed the bread to Amy. Amy popped it into her mouth and her eyes lit up.
"I was so hungry. You know, pregnancy cravings." 
Sarah watched her sister eat the bread, bite by bite. It was a quite satisfactory feeling fattening up her sibling.

The next day, Sarah woke up and thought about having some of the delicious Nutella. She quietly tip-toed down the stairs and went into the kitchen, with her eye on the prize. Amy walked in with the an empty Nutella can in her hand.
"I'm sorry. I had a craving for Nutella, plain."
She dumped the empty can in the garbage. Sarah watched with her eyes open. She just secretly fed her sister half a gallon of protein powder. Whatever the impact, she was excited to see it.

Sarah heard grunting coming from Amy's bedroom. She slithered over to her door and peaked in. Amy could not button her pants. She tugged and pulled, but they would not fit on her. Sarah knocked on the door to check on Amy. Quickly, Amy sucked in and buttoned them.
"Come in." She shouted.

Sarah walked in and saw her shorts cutting into her waist.
"Are you okay, Amy?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?--"
Suddenly, her shorts gave up.


The button popped off and rolled across the floor. Amy sighed and sat down on her bed and relaxed. Sarah sat down with Amy. They hugged each other.
"If it makes you feel better, I popped so many pairs of pants and I'm not even pregnant."
Amy put her hand on Sarah's belly.
"Yes you are. You're having a food baby."
Sarah put her hand on Amy's belly.
"And you are having a baby."
They hugged each other and their bellies collided. Two bellies, soon to expand.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Special Episode: The Apartment

Sarah's grocery shopping day had come soon, due to the fact she got an apartment. There were so many bright sides to living alone. Nobody judging you for eating a whole cake, the ability to play with your belly in the wide open. It was all magic.

She sat in the corner, stuffing her face from the sun's rise to the sun's setting. Her job was the only time she seemed to leave the corner. That and other special events, like family visiting. To her, eating was a blessing. The ability to add up calories, calorie by calorie was amazing.

She had started a pile of wrappers in her house. They remain there, until someone says they are coming over. That was one of the exact reasons she moved out. Freedom. Her mother had judged her for becoming a pig. It was partially her fault, though.

All of her clothes had become too small for her recently. The average morning, thanks to her new plump belly, consisted of plenty of rips and pops. Unlike other girls, she would awe in amazement at the button, and see how many more she could pop. Beside her dresser, she had a pile of popped buttons. A whopping total of 13 buttons. Those were just the ones from her shirts.

It was her day off. Hard earned, if you ask her. She laid in bed, rubbing her belly. It was big, but so small. Since she had some newly earned freedom and a day off, she came up with the master plan. To get the equipment she needed, she had to look on the loneliest place of all... Craigslist.

The equipment was used, so it was cheap. It came with everything she needed, plus extras. It's seller was an old man, about 70 or 80 years old.
"It's $500. Take it or leave it."
She handed him $500 cash exactly. Like a boss. He counted it out in front of her. You can never be to safe about things. He slid the cash in his pocket and loaded up the fountain in her truck.

As soon as she got home, she rushed to set it up. It was an easy set up. Plug and use. As she plugged it in, the screen lit up in bright colors. The letters stood out more than the colors. The letter read:
It was beautiful; A machine that made drinks with the help of a little pouch. This was the best option for her for many reasons.

  1. You can't die from water or alcohol intoxication and your organs won't rupture.
  2. It puts on permanent weight from the calories.
She inserted a tube from the dispenser into her mouth. For the moment of truth, she pushed the button and sat back. In her mouth, came a sugary array of fattening liquid. She relaxed as her stomach bloated. Her eyes closed in relaxation. It was great.

Her belly pushed on her jeans and shirt. She became trapped in her clothes, like a prisoner. But soon, she was planning a prison break. She upped the flow of the fountain. It came out 2x as fast. As soon as you know it...

Pop, pop, pop.

She turned off the machine, very satisfied. Her belly had grown so much. As she walked, she could her oceans of soda swish in her stomach. It was a reaffirming sound to her. It always reminded her:
Freedom awaits.

She laid on her bed, and her eyes crept open. She was pretty much sleeping in a trash bag full of junk food. As she opened her eyes for the last time before she slept, she popped a mintoe into her mouth.
Her belly gurgled and expanded. The sound of her belly gurgling was the sound of sucess. For she had grown from a girl.